Tenant Screening / CFH

Crime Free Housing Data and Instructions

Click on the link below to download Crime Free Housing Data. Then use the search function in Excel to search for names.

Credit and Criminal Checks

Western Reporting

DARA is affiliated with Western Reporting, providing Credit Checks and more at a discounted price for our members.


Western Reporting educates you on the differences between direct court searches versus a database search. We help you understand your responsibilities under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). We provide you with “Special Comments” that alert you to things you should be aware of such as when the applicant has an alias or if there are limitations in the database coverage. Other companies simply don’t provide these services. Everything we do is with you in mind. We know that in order to make the best decision, you need the best possible information. We provide the resources and the expertise to help you understand the information.

Click here to sign up with Western Reporting!

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